Treasure Hunters

On the weekends, Marisol and Keanu meet up to hang out. Keanu uses his wheelchair on the sidewalk, while Marisol rides her bike on the street.

On Saturday, Keanu rushed over to their meeting spot inside the park by the fountain. “Marisol! Look what I found in the attic!”

“What is it?” she asked excitedly.

Keanu showed her a crumpled piece of paper. It looked like a treasure map based on the drawing with an X-marked spot.

The local library, pharmacy and convenience store were drawn and marked, along with Keanu’s house and the park they were meeting at. Whatever was buried was in their neighbourhood.

“I think it belonged to my granny. Want to go check what’s buried there?”

“Sure!” Marisol replied.

“There are the three trees that are drawn here, with a bench beside the third one,” Keanu pointed out as he tapped on the map.

When they arrived there, Marisol looked around. “From here we have to go past the pond behind the library and beyond that area.” She motioned to where the librarian did outdoor storytime.

“Almost there! This is so exciting!” Marisol remarked after they passed the families heading to the library. “Where do we go next?”

Story Endings


They go to the water fountain near them to be greeted by some flowers, they look around to find a treasure chest but before they can get it someone runs away with it. They return home with heavy hearts.

Jun 16

'’There is a riddle’’ Keanu said. The riddle says something: It is on the in the top of your house. ‘‘I know! The attic!’’ said Marisol. The girls rushed to Keanu’s attic. There was a chest with a lock. ‘‘Now how do we get there?’’ says Marisol. ‘‘Wait, I have a key in my pocket that granny bought me for my 10th birthday.’’ said Keanu. Keanu got the key and unlocked the chest. I think you were expecting gold and jewels. But in there was Granny’s diary. in there it told about her dad serving the 2nd World War and other events in her life. ‘‘Let’s give it to granny.’’ says Keanu. They gave it to granny and granny read it to Keanu and Marisol.

                        THE END
Jun 16

“It says here that we go to the park,” said Keanu “Hey!” said a boy running in the distance. “Luke!” exclaimed the girls. “What are you guys doing,” asked Luke. “Following this map I found,” said Keanu. “Can I help?” asked Luke. “Sure,” said the girls (in unison) “Where are we going next?” asked Marisol. “It says here that we have to find two crossed palm trees.” So they went to the beach, they found the two palm trees and found riches unimaginable. The End

Jun 15

Keanu and Marisol look under the bench. They see something. Marisol’s brother says:”I might see something under the bench!” Marisol looks under the bench with Keanu. Marisol exclaims:”I might see a treasure chest!” Keanu replies:”I’m so excited!!” 😁 Marisol takes out the treasure chest and then sees somebody walking on the sidewalk. It is Marisol’s friend, Mary. Mary says:”Can I help you find the treasure?” Marisol says:”Yes! We just need to find the key now!” Mary exclaims:”I see somebody that looks like they have a key in their hand.” Keanu jumps up and says:”You do?!” They get the key from the person and the person exclaims:”Why did you take my key?!” They replied:”Because we have treasure and we want to open the chest!” And they quickly took the key and opened the chest. They said in excitement:”It’s filled with books and gold!” Mary quickly runs away from them and goes away into the forest. Marisol says:”Wait Mary!” Mary replies:”I have to go home in my cabin!”

Jun 15