The Best Thing Ever

Rajnie, Francis, and Rafael are at their local mall after school on a Friday when they decide to watch a movie.

When the movie finishes, they decide to walk around the mall again. They notice that the mall is extremely quiet and wonder why there are no other people around. They try to exit the mall, but find that the door is locked. They try another exit, but that too is locked. They walk around the mall searching for other exits, but then all of a sudden they realize that they are trapped in the mall!

“Eeee! This is the best thing ever!!!” Rajnie squeals with excitement.

Rafael replies…

Story Endings


Wait, What! Why are you thinking that? We cant go home to our loving families, spend time with them, And other stuff! Francis says: Wo wo wo wo, Guys! Calm down, we can work this out,. Then, they used crowbars they found to get out, then they went home, with Ragnie not remembering it.

Aug 27

“How do we get out?” Francis says. “What should we do to get out of here.” Then suddenly a spider bites Francis and Rajnie. They now have all the powers of the world. Rafael was sad. He said, “when do I get powers?” The girls said, “A spider bit us and now we can get out of here with super strength!” Boom, crash, kaboom! The girls and Rafael got out and since then they have been protecting each other. The end.

Aug 21

“are you crazy, we can’t go home.” They all ran from store to store looking for things that could help them get out. Then they say this portal and went through. The knows what happens.

Aug 21

“Great, we can do whatever we want! This is awesome!” Francis says “Lets get our own iphoneXs!

Aug 17

this the worst thing. but how are we going to get out? rafael asks. rajnie says lets steal 100 toys!

Aug 17

It”s kinda cool kinda creepy. What if somebody finds us here and thinks we’re stealing. I think I’m going to call my mom.

Aug 14

“yeah this is the best thing ever! every thing is free!” “Sooooooo were do we go first?” asked Francis. “I call going to Clairs!” said Rajnie. “Nah Clairs Is boring, I’m going to the arcade.” said Francis. “Yeah me too.” agreed Rafael. So the three friends had fun. At Clairs Rajnie bought every thing in the store! At the arcade Francis and Rafael got 100000000000000000000000000000000 tickets. then the police found them and brought them home.

Aug 11

And says “How are you not scared ,like we are litterally trapped “.But then they realize that the Toy Store was still open?Anyways they go inside and see that the Toy Store sells scooters . Luckely they also sell helmats ,so they bought 3 scooters and 3 helmats ,they had a couple races untill…ring ring ring .”Oh looks like my parents are calling “said Francis . They were so worried ,all of their parents rushed over and tryed to free them and guess what it actually worked ,then they all went home …THE END

Aug 10

A new store with free stuff!

Aug 08

“uh Rajnie” Rafael replies, “I think this not to exciting,” maybe we should go through the portal.” “oh” Rajnie replied. “you are right then.” so they found the portal and got out of the mall. then the went home. the end

Aug 08

“What? this isn’t the Best thing ever! What if we get caught? what if they think we were stealing? what if they send us to jail? what if-“ he got interrupted by some unfamiliar voices, “What are you doing here Kids?” “We were so worried about you” “are you kids ok?” it was their parents and some security guards. “well after all we weren’t in trouble.” said Rajnie

Aug 08

free stuff! lets go!!!!!

Aug 08

'’How is this the best thing ever?’’.’‘If we set off an alarm we might get caught,and everyone might think we’re criminals’’. A police woman spots the children.she goes over and asks:’‘what are you kids doing here?’’.’‘we got locked in says francis.’‘okay’’ she says.She sends them outside and Rajnie says:’‘Told you’’.

Aug 05

having ever thing in the mall!and live happily ever after!

Aug 04

It is not the best thing ever we cant go home!!!!!!!

Aug 03

Let’s go to galaxy land. The friends head toward galaxy land, but then red lights start flashing and sirens start going off. The friends panic and smash into a closed store to hide. They hear police outside the store muttering about a missing $1000000000000000000000000000000000000 gem. Then Francis whispers to his friends that he stole the gem. Rafael is excited “I could buy a Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita with that money” he says. Then Rajnie says that is stealing and that is illegal. She then shouts loudly so the police come into the store and find that Francis has the gem. He then is arrested. Then Rafael starts getting mad at Rajnie for getting his friend arrested and starts grabbing stuff from the store to hit her with. He then starts hitting her and he gets arrested too. Then the police find that Rajnie has stolen another gem that is $900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and she is arrested too.

Aug 02

Rafael replies, first, lets take whatever we want, then, lets get something heavy to break the window, so we can jump out and be FREE! So the 3 of them take everything in the mall. then they got something heavy and broke the window. The friends jumped out the window. “HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTT!” Said Francis.

Aug 01

School find a place to hide before the police find us in the….wait we are at square one lets go to PINK try some bras and underwears

Aug 01

rafael replies what do you mean it is fun we are stuck stuck stuck his voice ecos it is ok francis says they will open the malls doors tommorow but where will we sleep and our parents must be afraid it is ok rajine says we will call them i have a phone so they called their parents and told them the whole story so just then all of them went and played in the mall until they all got tired and they went inside a furniture store and sleeped on the most confist bed until they heard there parents voice there parents were at the mall standing next to a security guy they all went home they told there parents it was the best thing ever that happened to them.

Jul 30

so lets have fun will we can. But where do we sleep?

Jul 30


Jul 28