Staff Site

Get Your Summer Read On: June 13–27, 2022

April 04, 2022

We’re encouraging library members to open their registration for this year’s TD Summer Reading Club on any day of their choice from June 13 to June 27, 2022. Our kids’ website will launch on June 13.

What should my library do to prepare?

Choose your day, and promote it

Promote the Club’s opening day on your library’s website; in social media, newsletters, and email send-outs; and with in-branch flyers and displays.

You’ll want to have your TDSRC print materials ready to hand out to kids who register.

To keep track of registrations, you can use our 2022 Registration sheet, which will automatically tabulate the statistics you’ll need to report on at the end of the summer.


The StoryWalk® is a fun, socially distanced activity. You can promote your local StoryWalk® program using these promotional items. Each StoryWalk® panel contains a QR code that links to an accessible audio recording of the story.  


In addition to the StoryWalk® program, we’ve compiled a list of ideas for ways you can encourage registrations on your launch day.

Download Ideas for Get Your Summer Read On Day

Reach out to potential ambassadors

We’ve created a customizable template to make it easier for you to reach out to potential program ambassadors (for example, local athletes, celebrities, politicians and community helpers). The template provides an overview of the Club and invites ambassadors to spread the word through their social media networks. 

Download the ambassador overview

Get local media involved

We’ve also created a customizable template for reaching out to local media. The template provides background information on the Club and encourages the media to publicize information about the Club. 

Download the press release template

Promote your program on social media

Promoting on social media is a great way to engage with families. We’ve compiled tips, as well as images that you can use on your online platforms.
Download the Social Media Plan

Make your program accessible

Everyone should be able to participate in your programs, either virtually or in person. Here are some ways to do this.

Think inclusive:

Before the event:

  • Follow the Writing for web accessibility guidelines when you post information about your event online so those using screen readers or other types of accessible technology will know about your event.
  • Check that your registration forms work with screen readers, and include a question about requiring any accommodations.
  • Book sign-language interpreters for live and virtual events early—they are in demand! Spotlight the interpreters at online events.
  • Provide instructions on how to use virtual event platforms, and include keyboard shortcuts.
  • Invite local branches of disability organizations to your GYSRO events. Use CELA’s Outreach Toolkit for a list of some organizations that support people with print disabilities.
  • Prepare staff, volunteers and summer students to be able to answer questions by reviewing the accessible formats and the services you offer in your library. Also remind them how to sign kids up for CELA.

At the event:

  • Ensure that your library’s accessible entrances are easy to find and that the automatic doors are working.
  • Arrange furniture so wheelchairs have room to turn around. Space chairs out to accommodate service animals, wheelchairs, scooters and walkers.
  • Will you ask kids to go up on a stage or platform? Provide a ramp for easy access.
  • Describe all actions, and avoid visual cues (such as “look here”). Inform guest artists and speakers to consider the needs of those in the audience who may be far away from the action and those who are blind or have low vision.
  • Display the large-print notebooks and the “Read, and take flight!” poster to promote that your library offers accessible materials.
  • Include audiobooks, large-print books, and other accessible formats in your displays.
  • Turn on captions during online programs.

After the event:

  • Provide feedback surveys in electronic formats, and follow survey best practices by using plain language and avoiding questions in a grid format.


Clear Print Accessibility Guidelines

Planning Accessible Events

Host Accessible Events (YouTube)

Creating accessible surveys