Ever since we moved into this new house we’ve had some really, really bizarre things happen.

One morning my Dad found a lizard in his underwear drawer!

Another time, we opened the refrigerator and saw that the milk had turned purple.

But by far, the weirdest day ever was yesterday.

It all started when my little brother…

Story Endings


the sittters play go go go

Jun 22

went outside and saw a green snake on the top of a tree. It fell on him and tried to squeeze his neck! He tried taking off the green snake but he couldn’t. He started to scream loudly for our dad who was sleeping in the bedroom. Dad could not hear my little brother. I saw the snake around his neck and I ran to the bedroom to wake my dad up. Me and my dad came running to the backyard! My dad told my little brother to be calm. Then he called the zookeeper. The zookeeper took away the snake with him to the zoo. We were relieved! That weekend we cleaned our backyard after this happened.

Jun 21

Put a snail in my dresser and put a lizard in my favourite pyjamas. He also took the fish out of my tank and put in a pineapple. It was the weirdest day ever!

Jun 21

It all started when my little brother jumped on his bed. I went outside and the basketball net was falling on our house. Then I went to the zoo and the elephant was putting the people in the cages. Then when I tried to eat some food there was no food. So I went outside and went into the forest and I walked through the dark forest and I saw a racoon eating a granola bar. The racoon covered his mouth and turned around and was whistling. He said “nothing to see here”. “I’m just a little racoon”. Then he saw a squirrel in a human’s house in the forest. But then an elephant stomped into the forest and out of its mouth came cages. There was a deep canyon and the elephant stomped over it but fell into the crack and all the cages rolled and rolled down the hill until they stopped in front of the squirrel, who took them into his house. Then he invited some animals over for tea. And he saw a machine. The end.

Jun 21

Brought a weird rock inside the house he said that somebody left a night light that looked like a rock but in my opinion so far the stuff that’s happing it is not just a weird rock

Jun 21

…took all the diapers out and threw them out the window! Then the diapers came to life and turned into werewolf diapers, growing hair all over them.

Jun 21

he started to float, I yelled for my dad but I couldn’t speak after 1 minute I started floating. We floated up above the clouds that were made of shaving cream. We just stayed there for 5 hours it was so cold up there. After a 6 hour time, a rocket went flying by and stoped to pick us up. We went inside and we shivered, then we saw a donut we raced to get it(my brother got it). So I went to the captain of the rocket and told him to set a course for Earth and he said they have headed there for 2 years now so we could come along. I started exploring the rocket, and I could tell they didn’t like that because I got so many looks (and not the clean kind). After we started to see lights on Earth we needed to stay seated so we wouldn’t fly around the rocket which I really wanted to try. After we landed they gave us money so we could buy a bus ride home. And we lived happily ever after!:)

Jun 20

ate the roof and puked it out after. Then he started eating a rotten tree. Then an army of cars came and ran down our house. So they bought a moldy house instead. Then the house collapsed on them and they all survived without a bruise. But then they finally finally bought a really strong house and lived there for years to come. the end.

Jun 20

george he doesn’t know anything he is so annoying but i love him he all ways drink milk and eat my cereal one day we went to the zoo and he got lost i was so worried about him i was worried about him because he was my little brother and i love him.

Jun 19

Started to act like a wild animal and was going crazy because my little brother at the zoo

Jun 19

came back from school slime fell on him and he was pushed out of the house with a buldozer.

Jun 19

woke up and was getting ready for school. Then he went to eat breakfast, and found a bunch of BEES in the cereal box. Then he wouldn’t eat the cereal, so he took out the bread to make a sandwich. But there was a… BABY CROCODILE IN THE BREAD BAG My little brother ran away screaming…..and that was it. we moved into a different house because there was a lot of WEIRD STUFF happening in this one.

Jun 19

Took my favourite merchandise and as a prank covered it in ketchup snd mustard. I was so angry I wanted to scream 😱! And you would think that he would stop after that right? You guessed wrong ! He has always been prancing me since. He thinks it’s a funny game. One day I’d had enough, I said to him in a clear loud voice, GAME ON! Since then we have seen some blizzard things like the milk turning purple or the lizard in dad’s underwear drawer.!

Jun 19

he could read my mind. Don’t think that was weird enough my mom could see in the future. Then at night my cat Jeanie disappeared now I think she’s in visible. My mom told me to wake up because it was time for school! It was all a dream crazy right?

Jun 19

Started to climb trees and like scary stuff o::: He would run around the house making scary noises that were scary 😵 I was terrified but then when he crys 😧 he will scream and Whack us!

Jun 18

woke up and went downstairs. When he got down he shrieked! Me and my parents rushed downstairs and what we saw was a…GIANT OCTOPUS!!! Yes, 8 giant legs and everything, then we blinked and. BAM! he was gone. after that me and my family moved away and never went back again. THE END

Jun 18

ate some chocolate and it tasted like baby formula.and so he turned red.

Jun 18

he found a dog in the pot

Jun 18

Started to act like a wild animal and was going crazy because he ate a crumb off the floor and he started to act like that and it was SO SO SO SO WEIRD.

Jun 18

he started to float, I yelled for my dad but I couldn’t speak after 1 minute I started floating. We floated up above the clouds that were made of shaving cream. We just stayed there for 5 hours it was so cold up there. After a 6 hour time, a rocket went flying by and stoped to pick us up. We went inside and we shivered, then we saw a donut we raced to get it(my brother got it). So I went to the captain of the rocket and told him to set a course for Earth and he said they have headed there for 2 years now so we could come along. I started exploring the rocket, and I could tell they didn’t like that because I got so many looks (and not the clean kind). After we started to see lights on Earth we needed to stay seated so we wouldn’t fly around the rocket which I really wanted to try. After we landed they gave us money so we could buy a bus ride home. And we lived happily ever after!:)

Jun 17

aet the purple milk, and I bot some new make up and my brother aet it too! and my mom also bot some new make up but my brother aet it too!!!!! this house is NOT cool!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 17