Baa-d Guys

One sunny day, a batch of doughnuts from Old McDoughnut’s Farm went missing and everyone blamed the Baa sheep brothers.

Baa-di was the oldest and biggest brother. Baa-bi was younger and smaller, but had the biggest sneeze.

Sure, they had “sleep-chewed” Tommy McDoughnut’s sweater and there was that one time they crushed Nene the horse’s apples, but it was an accident caused by Baa-bi’s sneeze.

They were definitely mischievous, but they weren’t that bad! The only way to prove their innocence would be to solve the mystery themselves!

Baa-di and Baa-bi went to the scene of the crime, where the empty donut box had been found.

“AHA!” yelled Baa-bi. “I see one set of tracks here!”

“OHO!” exclaimed Baa-di. “Let’s follow them!”

The Baa brothers followed the tracks to…

Story Endings


they got lost following the track and there still there this very day

Jul 28

farm with cows. Then they spotted a cow with doughnuts. ‘‘AHA!’’ shouted baa-di. so then they went back and told everybody.

Jul 27

to an old wooden shed behind a small row of trees. The tracks lead into the shed, but Baa-di and Baa-bi were afraid to go inside the creepy building. After getting brave enough the 2 sheep slowly walked inside the shed quickly looking around for any suspicious items or the doughnut thief. Right as they were leaving, Baa-bi spotted a chunk of doughnut near a window at the back of the shed, So they went out and around the shed to the window to see if they could see anything. “TRACKS!!” said Baa-di, so they followed them until the reached a small treehouse. Up in the treehouse they saw something unexpected… not a kid, but a RACOON! As they looked closer at the raccoon they noticed that there was icing smears on its face, which meant… that was the thief. The sheep brought Old Mcdoughnut to see the raccoon thief, and he believed it was true. Finally the sheep could go and rest now knowing that they weren’t blamed. BUT WAIT!!… how did the raccoon get inside the house??!

Jul 27

a little house nestled in the woods with donuts posted on all the windows.

Jul 27

The barn. They looked around but only saw the robo-lazer cows sleeping then they saw some more tracks that led into Old McDoughnut’s house they went in. They saw Old Mcdoughnut stuffing his face with doughnuts . I guess mission acomplished.

Jul 26

a cave dark & a mystery

they had no other choise but…


the end…………………………………..MWA HAHAHAHA MWA HAHAHAHA

Jul 25

The tracks were from a squirrel. They followed the squirrel tracks all the way to a tree where the donuts were hanging from the branches. The Baa brothers said “Hey you stole those doughnuts!” The squirrel popped its head out from its nest and said “Yes, but they aren’t that nutty!”

Jul 22

the three little pigs house! the them in so they can enjoy the food.THE END PARTY WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Jul 22

They followed it to Beauty the horse’s stall. They asked Beauty why she didn’t own up earlier and she said that she thought people would make fun of her. The reason Beauty stole the donuts was because she was pregnant and had cravings. So she owned up and the Baa Brothers were exonerated.

                                                                                                 THE END
Jul 22

A party of geese eating the donuts

Jul 22

The chickens’ party and them eating donuts. The end!

Jul 21

a donut volcano that shoots out donuts for everyone to enjoy!

Jul 21

A giant Griffin which chased them and baa-di figured out that is a muffin and a Gruffin so he just ate it

Jul 21

Meet new friends!

Jul 20

A dog park. Wait. DOG PARK!?

Why did the end up there? Well they found some dogs eating grass with sprinkles. Wait. SPRINKLES!? Well they was thinking that the dogs ate all the donuts but… They were grass!

Just then, they heard the dogs moo. Wait. MOO!?

It gave them a clue, cow’s love to eat grass. Maybe they ate all the donuts and they left the sprinkles behind! MOO! BURP! Wow they sure ate a lot of doughnut grass. They solved the mystery!

Jul 19

I would end the story with them being friends with people.

Jul 18

to a strange house which looked kind of bigger it was a human house! maybe old mc Doughnut’s nephew stolen them they went inside and YOHOOOOO yelled baa-bi AHAHHAHAH yelled baa-di they created a sleep potion made to make doughnuts nephew sleep then they dragged him to the far and said BAAAAAAAAAAAA and doughnuts was like RED SUS so doughnuts called her sister (the nephews mom) to pick him up also the nephew was named aiden doughnuts so aiden tought of never stealing doughnuts ever again he was grounded for 2 months!!!!!!

Jul 16

the farm and at the farm they found the horse eating all the donuts.It all made sense because the baa brothers crushed all the horse’s apple’s. the horse knew that they would accuse the baa brother’s first.

the baa brother’s solved the mystery!

Jul 15

the ice cream shop where Baadi and Baabi got turned into ice cream. after Baadi and Baabi got turned into ice cream,the owner of the ice cream shop gave Old Mcdoughnut his doughnuts,Old Mcdoughnut shared his doughnuts with the whole town.


Jul 15

The farm and at the farm they found the horse eating all the donuts. It all made sense because the Bee brother’s crushed all the horse’s apple’s.The horse new that they would accuse the Bee brother’s first.

The Bee brother’s solved the mystery!

Jul 14

some bad guys steald some doughnuts and disguisd them as regular people and blamed the baa brothers.

Jul 14