Beyond the Bench

Valentina had never cleaned behind that bench under the window in her room. Today was the day! She asked her brother Mateo to help her move it.

“Whoa! That’s where my fox socks went!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah, definitely smells like them,” Mateo teased, pinching his nose while sweeping.

There was a thicker piece of paper stuck to the wall and Valentina pulled at it, but it wouldn’t budge. Mateo tried to pull it too. The paper began to shift when they heard a CRAAAACK sound. The wall came apart leaving a large hole.

The siblings looked into the darkness and saw a small creature scurrying away!

“FINALLY!” it squeaked. “I’ve been trapped here for such a long time!”

Valentina and Mateo looked closer to see who was speaking. To their surprise it was a…

Story Endings


squirrel! Noticing their stunned expressions, the squirrel said “What?”, “You’ve never seen a talking squirrel before?” Mateo and Valentina were both speechless. This squirrel could actually speak! They’d never seen anything like this before. Unfortunately, before they could react, the squirrel hopped away. Although they were disappointed, Mateo and Valentina promised they would never forget the talking squirrel.

The End!


Jun 15

mouse!then mom came and made us carry her like a horse then we had to use our money to pay for the wall.

Jun 15