This all started last Wednesday morning. I woke up at 8 a.m. and saw that there was a ladybug on my forearm. I always tell my brother to close the windows at night. He never listens.

Anyway, this ladybug must have crawled on me during the night and bit me. I didn’t even feel it. In fact, I didn’t even know that ladybugs could bite!

Since then, I’ve had all of these weird things happen…

Story Endings


I started acting like a ladybug I even shank.

Jun 19

I had all these crazy ladybug things happen. I had wings, I had black spots on my body, and I ate vegetables all day.

Jun 19

My brother said that ladybugs don’t bite I was relieved that they don’t bite then I put it into a cage and brought it to school the end

Jun 17

Its kinda normal for a kid like me.At least I wasn’t bitten by a lion.😐🤗👍🏻

Jun 17

Like eating bugs. Mmmm. Freinds and family start teasing me by my look(Wonder why?) and they get grossed each time I eat a dirty bug. I mean they eat bugs and even worms in some places around the world. Then I flew at dinner time. I looked at my self and realised hat I was a giant… ladybug. NOOOOO… A month later I was as tiny as a ladybug. My Parents called the police to look for me, I tried to tell them that I was here. I woke up! What a night mare then I realised that the window was open, a lady bug was crawling on my bed, it bit me…

Jun 17

What now happend is a orange ladybug bited me outside when I was playing tag.

Jun 16

It did bite, and I got little red dots on my face……..😭😭😭😭😭

Jun 16

My face turned scarlet red and I grew wings! I looked like a ladybug, I was a ladybug!!!

Jun 16

I turned to a very famous superhero named ladybug and fight evil and crime all over paris

Jun 16

after i got bit i turned into a superhero and i got very famous.

Jun 16