Masako at the Zoo

Masako was the first person to board the school bus. She got up extra early today because she knew she would be going on a field trip to the zoo. Last night, she had read about the new baby white rhinoceros that was born two weeks ago.

Since Masako was at the back of the bus, she was the last one to get off. As soon as she stepped off, she noticed that no one in her class was there. She rubbed her eyes since she wasn’t sure if she was imagining what she was seeing. Thirty animals were waiting in front of her bus to get into the zoo!

Masako tried to make sense of what she was seeing but she could not believe it! Her best friend Shelley was now a peacock! She could tell it was Shelley because the peacock was wearing glittery sneakers just like Shelley had on this morning. Her other friend Tai was now a…

Story Endings


bird but then Masako’s mother woke her up then she realised that she only was having a dream The End

Jul 07

a sleek, yellow tiger. At first I thought she was a lion because she was missing her stripes. Oh no! Maybe I could train a lion, but how will I train a tiger. Perhaps I had better just jump back into the bus!!! Then I saw Tia’s lunch bag on the seat and thought that since the tiger is Tia, I could make her like as a tiger by giving her her lunch. We became good friends but she decided to stay living at the zoo all the time. I visited her whenever I could.

Jul 07

zebra!she didn’t really care, she loved animals anyway.

Jul 07

Tia was a little lady bird Masako panicked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 06

bird!! I know Tai was a bird because wear a blue and black hat just like tai was wearing on the bus!!

Masaka freaks out and goes back on the bus.

Jul 06

hippo then the next day she saw a chicken!

Jul 06

Chipmunk! She always was small , but a CHIPMUNK?!?! Suddenly everything went blurry. She heard the lion saying “ Time to get-up you have a field trip?”

Masako woke up. She was glad it was all a dream. But was it???? She’d have to ask her friends.


Jul 06

Pig, Tia was a pig, a very cute pig Masako loved pigs she said “How cute is that everyone!!!!!” That’s when she remembered that Noone but animals were there.

Jul 05

tia was now a monkey a VERY silly one

Jul 04

Lion, who wanted to eat Masako. She was scared to DEATH. No seriously! THE END

Jul 04

gorilla. The gorilla was wearing a pretty dress that her friend was wearing this morning. All the animals went on the bus. They were going home as animals. Their Mommies and Daddies will be surprised.

Jul 04


Jul 04

Tai was now a chicken. Masako didn’t know what to do, but then Shelley said “Masako! You’re a pig!” Masako was worried. She didn’t know what to do. When they got to the zoo, all the animals looked like humans. They didn’t know what was going on! Then, they realized, they had to go to the animals that they were and touch them to get their human bodies back. Masako touched the pig that looked like her, and she turned into a human again. Everyone did the same, and everyone was a human again!

Jul 04