A Cat’s Life


I am a cat. I live on a farm and protect my humans by scaring mice all day. I travel as I please and go where I want to. It is a great life.

Sometimes, I get into trouble by wandering into places that I shouldn’t. Today was one of those days. I saw a small cave that was just waiting to be explored.

So I strolled into the dark cave.

Story Endings


Then, I saw my poor humans trapped in that dark, gloomy cave, trapped by the rat king! Oh my poor humans I must go save them! I galloped into that rat Kings hideout and punched him right in the stomach! My humans screamed with joy “Jerry! You came to save us!” I smirked at them but then the rat Kings henchmen came at me! I ran so fast so I could go get home and yell for help. Just then I realize that this isn’t Paw Patrol and I’m going to have to do it all myself. The rest of that night is kinda blurry, all i remember is my humans telling me that I will get treats nonstop and that I can cook their food. Give or take a word or two.

Jun 15

There was a tiny light glowing at the end of the dark cave. So I walked to the light. I was so curious. “Why is there a light in the end of a dark cave?” I asked myself. I walked got closer and closer and nearer and nearer to the light, with my tiny heart pounding as I walked to it. When I saw what it was, I gave a shock of surprise! I was a light bulb! A faint glow coming towards me! It was just awesome. Just at that point, a sound came from the outside of the cave. “ Where are you, cat! Come out wherever you are!It was the farmer! I came back to the farm knowing that another day I will come back to find the light from the dark cave again. THE END

Jun 15

as soon as I entered the cave, I knew something was wrong. in the back there was an eerie green light. I was so mesmerised that I stalked towards it. Suddenly there was a loud bang, and I realised that I was trapped in a cage! I looked around but other than the the weird green light, which seemed to be coming from a strange orb on a little coffee table in the centre of the cave, I couldn’t see anything. all of the sudden i realised that the cage was made of thick rope and not metal. Even though it was thick, the rope was no match for my sharp claws. I was out in seconds and instead of heading straight out of the cave, I, for some reason decided to go further into the cave. I kept going until I reached a wide opening which lead into Italy! I was able to see the leaning tower of Pisa, wow! I couldn’t find my way back home so I decided to stay here and have a little vacation. very soon a sweet little boy saw me and took me home and apparently I have a new home now.

Jun 13

I heard voices in the cave they were robbers planing to steal cattle from my farm they saw me and they put my in a burlap bag and then kept on talking about how the would steal the cattle and then sell it and how they were going to throw me off the grand canyon edge after they had stolen the cattle I could not let that happen I had to do something! so I ripped the burlap bag open they didn’t call me claw for nothing! the robbers were so busy talking they didn’t notice me slinking away I ran to my farm and told my owner about it(she could talk to animals) she ran to the phone and called the police we went to the cave and the robbers just noticed that I escaped and now were arguing very loudly the police caught them they were wanted all over the world and then it was in the news paper the next day and I got a medal that said bravest cat named in history I was so happy! this time it turned out that I didn’t get in trouble this time the robbers did:) Hahahahahah


Jun 13