Howard and I always enjoy walking to school on Thursday mornings.

Why Thursdays? Well, Thursday is garbage pickup day in our neighborhood. I guess that sounds kind of weird—to be excited about garbage pickup day—but just stay with me for one second!

The older gentleman at the end of our street always throws away the most interesting items and puts them at the end of his property for pickup on Thursdays. Once, there was a huge Pac‑Man arcade game. Last week, it was a pinball machine. 

This Thursday morning, we looked ahead to see if there was anything at the end of his property.

“Oh. It’s just a lamp today,” Howard said.

“That’s a funny looking lamp,” I replied, as we approached and bent down to take a closer look. “Look at this weird pattern up here,” I said, touching the spiralled gold design on the lampshade.

You have one wish left!

“Uh,” Howard hesitated. “Did that just come from the lamp?” He laughed.

“I think it did,” I replied, shocked. “I think it said, you have one wish left.” I touched the lampshade again. Nothing.

“Well,” said Howard, “you might as well make a wish! Nothing to lose, right?”

“That’s true,” I replied, chuckling. “Ok. Uh. Hmm. I wish for…

Story Endings


I wish for a slime pool he and Howard played in the slime pool all day the end.

Jun 19

I wish for a zillion wish. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Jun 19

Magic so you can have a wish too and so I can fly

Jun 19

Elephant and Piggy

Jun 19

a million more wishes, so I can wish for a bush of stuff.

Jun 18

A million books.

Jun 18

I don’t know what to wish for!” I said, surprised to hear the words coming out of my mouth. “are you kidding?!” Howard exclaimed “we always imagined what we would wish for if we had a wish! you can’t turn down the opportunity! I’m doing a wish!” I lunged and covered his mouth, “it’s MY wish!” I yelled. “oh yeah?!” he asked, “and why should it be yours?” my mind was blank. “Uh, uhm? because I’m the one to pick it up first!” I said and grabbed the lamp. Howard ran at me and attacked me. the lamp flew out of my hand, we both turned and gasped, it was like watching slow motion. it flew up into the air and landed in the hands of someone I didn’t know, he was about my age. he tossed the lamp back and forth between his hands. “ah” he said, “just the lamp my father needed” he glanced toward us, “as for you two, I wish you would just keep quiet for a minute” I tried to yell, but it was too late, the lamp shattered and I found I couldn’t speak. when the minute was up we would have revenge

Jun 18

a mega speddy rocket to take me to the td summer reading club world.

Jun 18

I wish for a successful acting career (because I want to be an actor)

Jun 18

“I wish for a lamp that can grant us unlimited wishes!” I said. The Genie stared. “Umm…I mean, sure!” Another lamp appeared. The lamp was same, but instead it said, “You have unlimited wishes left.”

Jun 18

I wish for a lot of candy! a LOT of candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 17

I wish to be a mermaid swim in the sea for hours and hours

Jun 17

a lot of money.. POOF! milions and millions of money appears and he bought a lOT of things then he pays the bills and does everything that his family needs THE END

Jun 16

The greatest power in the world! “Which is what?” the genie said you have to be more specific, like a thousand dollars or invisibility powers. “well… I’m not sure what power I want,” I said, “So then wish for every power” the genie replied. “well that would be greedy wouldn’t it?” I said to the genie. “well then just do some wish I am getting bored” the genie replied in a boring way. “fine, fine I will with that there are no more conflicts ever again” and then suddenly all the conflicts in the world were gone! “What about my first wish,” I asked, the genie replied, “the first few wishes were used to create conflicts and they took very long to happen”. “well… ok” I replied

Jun 16

For my final wish I wish that I can go back in time!

Jun 16

I had more wishes! Then the genie went completely silence… he went: umm good wish but ok? Wooosh! There were more and more wishes!

Jun 16

ummmm” “come on” said howard “i wish for a ..hat”“….”howard said nothing “……you could have wished for ANYTHING in the world and you wish for a hat?”asked howard,”technically it was your fault YOU were making me nervous and i ACCIDENTLY said a hat”.”well that if that “accident” didn’t happen we could have been the richest people on earth..maybe even the universe”.then the genie said “ya that is kind of a simple wish but….your wish is my command”…after that i decided to NEVER touch a lamp again..howard on the other hand…“i NEED a magic lamp”he said “and why again?”i ask” i can have a life time supply of cheetos”and started licking his lips..i guess somethings never change,espacially is that thing is hungry,and talking about hungry boy am I hungry.”bye howard”i said leaving “b..wait where you goi-“THUMP.i already left the park but when i heard that loud thump it scared me….oh no howard was stuck!!…oh wait the park opens tomorrow,ya he will be fine.and went home.

Jun 16

a treasure map so I can have a adventure and use the loot for more adventures.

Jun 16

I wish for all of the poor people to be in a house and have food.

Jun 16


Jun 15

a million dollars and a dog and howerd lived in la with his parents

Jun 15