It's Raining Popcorn!

“Popcorn!” baby Jaylen had shouted as she woke up on Wednesday morning.

And would you believe it? It did, in fact, rain popcorn for 5 minutes on Wednesday afternoon. As the kernels rained down, it seemed like everyone in the town was outside, trying to collect as much of the popcorn as possible.

This was the third day in a row that something like this happened. It was all quite unbelievable. Each morning, Jaylen woke in her crib and shouted a word.

“Pretzels!”  the baby had shouted on Monday, and to everyone’s shock, it rained pretzels for 5 minutes on Monday afternoon.

“Chips!” she exclaimed on Tuesday, and chips fell from the sky on Tuesday afternoon.

After the third day, it seemed like every news outlet in the world was covering the story of baby Jaylen and the raining snacks.

But things took a dramatic turn on Thursday morning. Jaylen’s parents and sister stood around her crib as she tossed, turned, yawned, and then open her eyes.

Jaylen yelled…. 

Story Endings


Popcorn!!!. But this time no popcorn rained. Everyone waited and waited but nothing happened. Next day she yelled candy, again nothing happened. Her parents were thinking why its not happening now. Then they found out that she had a bag of popcorn and candy next to her crib. She ate them all. Once it was finished then Next day when she got up she yelled popcorn and the popcorn rain started again.

Aug 13

Money I want more money

Aug 13

“…POPCORN AGAIN!” “Wow” said everyone “She sure loves popcorn”. It was amassing Baby Jaylen said popcorn twice in a week. So It rained popcorn for five minutes (again) and they all lived happily ever after. THE END

Aug 13

“Babies!” At this, Jaylen’s parents exchanged worried looks.

Sure enough, babies started falling from the sky. Everyone rushed out with boxes with padding to catch the babies.

After 5 minutes of raining babies, everyone was exhausted… except Jaylen. She was happy playing with all her new baby friends (which of course was the only reason for her wanting them.)


Aug 11

wow its raining popcorn, MOM!!!! CAN I HAVE A BOX? why? so I can eat popcorn

Aug 10

CATS AND DOGS! Then that after noon they could here meows and barks from the sky. Jaylen’s family watched as people ran inside. I think that they were expecting food said Jaylen’s sister looking out of the window. I hope that this is just a dream said Jaylen’s parents. wait if she can control the sky what if we can ask her to work together for everyone. They asked a engineer to make a helmet so that they can stop her from saying bad things like that day. Instead they would make her say things to help everyone like making it rain ice cream on a hot day!

Aug 10

Ice cream and it rained 🍦ice cream .

Aug 10

“MORNING!” “What?” mom asked. “Why would you yell morning and not what would come out of the sky today?” “No food!” Baby jaylen yelled and went back to sleep. But in fact, Baby Jaylen was right, no food came falling out of the sky. The sky was just crystal clear with nothing coming down.

Aug 10

GIANT SHARKS! Jaylen shouted and everyone was killed by sharks!Baby Jaylen suddenly woke up crying.”M-mom? said Jaylen. Why are you crying? said mom. Where are the giant sharks! exclaimed Jaylen. What do you mean, there are no giant sharks said her sister.Oh never mind Jaylen gasped.It was only a dream.

Aug 10

I should Stop shouting popcorn At 5:am in the morning i love that as much as hate pizza mum:go back to sleep and rest now plese.

Aug 08

love candy! Jaylen’s parents said love candy! Maybe we should eat some said Jaylen’s mum. and Jaylen’s dad said okay let’s eat some!when they eat those love candy’s they look to each other and fall in love and then some one is saying wake up Jaylen you will be late to school when Jaylen open his eyes and say oh yes school I almost forget thanks mum !It is only a dream the end.

Aug 07

bricks! it started raining brick it was the worst thing baby Jaylen said all week everyone was running this way and that way for 5 whole minutes. after 5 minutes everyone’s houses were broken angry mob waiting outside of what was left of there house.

Aug 06

Cheese! And the sister said no I wanted chocolate but the mom said I wanted carrots the dad said I wanted macaroni. But then Jaylen said what about cheesy chocolate and macaroni carrots!

Aug 05

I should Stop shouting popcorn At 5:am in the morning i love that as much as hate pizza mum:go back to sleep and rest now plese.

Aug 04

OMG the Earth is listening to me we could not have taco tuesday because we did not have the ingredients and look its raining tacos its a miracle.

Aug 03

chocolate bars!!! It rained chocolate bars from the sky and everyone ran around with their mouths open catching chocolate from the sky!

Aug 02

'’IT’S RAINING TACOS!’‘says jaylen with excitement

Aug 01

“a bike for Juddy, a kiss for mommy, and a new computer for daddy.” That very morning it rained every thing see wished for. all of the things came done just as she had asked for!

Jul 29

its raining tacos from out of the sky tacos dont need to ask why just open your mouth and close your eyes its raining tacos

Jul 28

everything and everyone was suprised they eat to their arts content and from then on were supplied with everthing they need THE END.

Jul 28

POOL And on Thursday afternoon it rained pools. Big pools and little pools. While it rained pools they hid in the basement. When it was over they outside and asked construction workers to get a digger and scoop the pools out of the way. The pools went to the dump. The end

Jul 28