Fortune Cookie

Every Friday night, Marcus’s family would order takeout food. They took turns picking a local restaurant. This Friday, it was his little sister Kara’s turn to pick. She chose the nearby Chinese restaurant. Marcus ordered chicken balls with rice.

When Marcus finished eating the last of the rice on his plate, he stood up to bring his empty plate to the counter by the sink.

“Hey, don’t forget about the fortune cookies, Marcus!” his mother said.

“Oh yeah,” thought Marcus—the fortune cookies. The fortunes were always so lame. Most of the time they didn’t even make sense. But his family always made a big deal out of them.

Kara went first. She read it silently and laughed. Then she read it aloud: “Mine says, You will live long enough to open many more fortune cookies.”

Everyone laughed except Marcus.

“I’ll go next,” said his mom excitedly. “You will be hungry again in one hour.” This time Marcus couldn’t help but chuckle.

You will be a superstar karaoke singer,” his dad screamed out. “They know me too well!” he giggled.

Marcus cracked open his cookie and pulled out the little slip of paper. He read it silently. “Marcus, do not read this out loud. Tomorrow, go to the backyard. Take three large steps past the juneberry tree and then one step to the right. Dig a hole 2 metres deep. Don’t tell anyone about this.”

“What does it say, Marcus?” Kara asked.

“Oh, um, it says, “Good things come to those who wait,” He lied.

The next day was Saturday. Marcus woke up at 7 a.m. while everyone was still sleeping. He went to the garage, grabbed a shovel, and headed to the backyard…


Story Endings


Then he did as the fortune cookie told him and then he got sucked in the hole and he was in the fortune land were all the fortune cookies were.

Aug 09

Then he did as the fortune cookie told him and when he started to dig he found a treasure chest filled with the cutest caticorn!

Aug 09

he did as the cookie said and when he finished digging the hole he found a huge, smelly garbage bag with a note in his sister’s hand-wringing “April fools, Marcus! Now you have to take out the trash! You won’t prank me, I’ll make shore of it! see ya!” Ha! She has been pranked all ready!,said Marco,it was my turn to make breakfast! April fools!

Aug 08

marcus did what the fortune cookie said to do and the hole suck him up and he was in the land of fortune cookies and he had to belive in fortune cookies. soon he did and whent home and never told his family of freinds aubout what happpend. THE END

Aug 08

Marcus dug for 2 minutes. then he heard a sound like a person screaming. Then he dug until the shovel touch something, it was an old plastic box. On the cover it said: “there is a cursed, creppy doll in this box. The first person to dig out this box needs to finds the secrtet amulet which has been hidden in that person house in centuries. You`have to find the amulet till the next full moon or your family will be dead.” Marcus just realized tonight is the next full moon. the story will continue…

Aug 08

Marcus dug and dug and dug. Then he smelled something disgusting. Then he noticed the smell was coming from inside the hu

Aug 07

First he thought “why am I doing this”, But something inside side”do it do it.”So he did. He digged for 5 min. He hit something. He hit gold.

Aug 07

He does as it said and found a whole tree of fortune cookies. He told his family what happend and from then on he believed the fortune cookies.

Aug 07

After digging the hole he found a red, leather bound book.He opened it up and saw it was filled with photos of what looked to be his great great great great grandfather all the way to his grandfather! The next time he saw his grandfather he showed it to him. His grandfather said “ I see you found it! Yes, it is a photo album. Your parents and I gave you that fortune cookie so you would find the album for your birthday. You were always so interested in our family’s history.

Aug 07

He dug and dug and found a silver fortune cookie

Aug 06

Then he did what the fortune cookie said and dug a hole 2 metres deep after that he found a magic seed that was talking to him. It said “ Plant me! “ . He planted it and a magical fortune flower was growing. Now, every Monday, Thursday and Saturday he went to the backyard, picked a fortune cookie and the papers came true.

Aug 06


Aug 05

When he diged two meters in the ground he found a scroll. The scroll said [ go to the bank and open vault nine.] So he went to the bank opened vault and said [you are now the ruler of this world with infinity pieces of gold.]This was the best day of his life. But suddenly he woke up and released it was all a dream.

Aug 05

He followed the instructions and there were more fortune cookies that said dig deeper and their family secretly knew about this once he was 3 feet deep their family dug him up beach

Aug 05

then he got diging and found his old ruber duckie that he played in his bathes when he was a baby.then he said from now on i will never under estamate fortune cookies

Aug 04

Mom mom it did not work!

Aug 03

he finds more fortune cookies and they all say “wrong person, if you found this go to the backyard next to you, our boss is not good at sending messages to people. The next day he went to his neighbor’s backyard and dug the hole and he found a golden mini statue of a fortune cookie and it said if you found this you’re from next door, you’re fortune is, “You are very nosy”

Aug 02

he went to go get the prize, but he realized did he never had a backyard in the first place. he dropped the shovel and everyone woke up, mom ran down the stairs and said ‘what are you doing with that shovel’marcus said um i went to go do some gardening and he lied

Aug 02

He first went to the juneberry tree. Then he took three huge steps past the tree and one step to the right. Marcus then pushed the shovel into the ground and then dug two meters deep in two hours. He finally found a humongous bucket of the thing he loved most, slime!!! He shared his slime with his family ad they all lived happily ever after!!!

Aug 02

marcus dug a hole 2 metres deep. he looked down expecting a million dollars or a robot that would do his chores and homework or something like that but instead saw just dirt. frustrated, marcus stomped back into the house but then a loud voice rang out not near his ears, but inside them! its said,”never give up!”. i might as well give this 1 last try he thought. he looked as hard as he could. he looked and looked. he squinted til his eyes hurt. all of the sudden he saw a glint of gold! quickly he grabbed his shovel and dug. when he was done he found a treasure chest! “yahoo! pirates treasure!” marcus shouted. from then on marcus found fortune cookies more exiting and amusing than anyone else.THE END

Aug 02

The next day he did what the fortune cookie said .Then he waited for something amazzzzzzzzzzzzing . in the afternoon he noticed he was a millionaire and was very famous when he came to the backyard a big tree burst out with a million fortunes

Aug 02