Howard and I always enjoy walking to school on Thursday mornings.

Why Thursdays? Well, Thursday is garbage pickup day in our neighborhood. I guess that sounds kind of weird—to be excited about garbage pickup day—but just stay with me for one second!

The older gentleman at the end of our street always throws away the most interesting items and puts them at the end of his property for pickup on Thursdays. Once, there was a huge Pac‑Man arcade game. Last week, it was a pinball machine. 

This Thursday morning, we looked ahead to see if there was anything at the end of his property.

“Oh. It’s just a lamp today,” Howard said.

“That’s a funny looking lamp,” I replied, as we approached and bent down to take a closer look. “Look at this weird pattern up here,” I said, touching the spiralled gold design on the lampshade.

You have one wish left!

“Uh,” Howard hesitated. “Did that just come from the lamp?” He laughed.

“I think it did,” I replied, shocked. “I think it said, you have one wish left.” I touched the lampshade again. Nothing.

“Well,” said Howard, “you might as well make a wish! Nothing to lose, right?”

“That’s true,” I replied, chuckling. “Ok. Uh. Hmm. I wish for…

Story Endings


getting good grades like A+ only

Jul 18

to go to outer space.

Jul 17

100000000000 pieces of gold and the genie answers the wish and said “you have asked for some but you will not be able to enjoy it because you will take my place in the lamp until you answer a another wish HA!,HA!,HA!

Jul 17

all of the superpowers there ever was

Jul 16

5 story house.

Jul 16

a friendly bear.

Jul 16

to be the luckiest person in the whole world. Then I will be able to help my friends with lots of luck and nothing will go wrong!

Jul 16

2 dogs and one cat. The dogs names are jessie and james. the cats name is meowth. lol

Jul 15

1000 Nintendo Switches

Jul 15

big yellow and orange cat that is the size of a dragon and has wings so it can fly.

Jul 15

3 TV’s

Jul 15

to have a billon dogs in my house

Jul 15

1,000,000,000 more wishes

Jul 14

A giraffe!” I said. It would be awesome to have! We could ride it to the zoo, to the park… everyone would be jealous. “ one giraffe coming right up!” Said the lamp. It started whirring, and then, a huge lump erupted from the lamp. The giraffe was a stuffed animal! “ cool! I said. Howard ran forward and grabbed it. It’s mine! He said. Ok. I agreed. We ran to his house to drop it off, and then continued on our way.w

Jul 14

um… idk i have all i need and more sooo….. well there are a few things that i want so…. um, I’VE GOT IT, I yelled, then i rubed the lanp and wished for more wishes and then the lamp started talking again, but this time it said oh sure I can do- Wait wait wait, you cant wish for more wishes thats against the rules!

so when i came home I was holding the lamp and was very tired of argueing with it for more wishes and when I sat on my bed I finnaly remembered what I wanted , so i rubed the lamp again ready for the best thing to happen, but when i rubed it, it just snored and said no more wishing for more wishing and then snored again. so i put it in my drawer and went to bed thinking of what i would do when i got my wonderful new winged unicorn that could shrink itself so it could fit in my room and pocket

Jul 13

to have a billon dogs in my house

Jul 12

a unicorn. And what hapeind I got a unicorn. THE END! Sons like fun. I wont a unicorn.

Jul 11

“I wish for…” I close my eyes.

There wasn’t really anything I needed. I think some more, but I just can’t think of anything I want to wish for. Is it supposed to be this hard? I look back at Howard.

“Do you want to make the wish instead?” I say with a smile.

I know there is a new video game that Howard has been really wanting.

Howard gives me a perplexed look. Being the good friend that he is, he shakes his head and smiles. I decide to bring the lamp home, and make a wish when I think of one. The next morning I go for a walk, trying to think of a wish. Suddenly, I notice a man sitting in an alley. He doesn’t seem to have much food, let alone a home.

I talk to him for a few hours. I run home quickly and find the lamp, looking at the empty lot next door. I whisper quickly to the lamp,

“I wish for the man I found today to have a nice home next to us, with lots of money, food and clothes.”

The lamp obeys, and now I have a new friend.

Jul 10

10m++ ronux

Jul 10

I had to have stood there for a few minutes because Howard said, “You gonna say something or are you just gonna stand there?” I hesitate as I say,” I am not sure if I should do something for me or the world. I spend another seven minutes debating on what I should wish for when I finally say, “ I wish to end world hunger.” The lamp started glowing and turning so fast it started to hover! I blinked and it was gone. I went back inside and saw my dad watching the news. I was shocked when the news said,” we don’t know what happened but suddenly a bunch of food appeared in front of faces of people who didn’t have food.” I felt my lips curl into a smile as I walked back to my room.

Jul 10

“Maybe you could wish for a hamburger!”said Howard. “No. Somthing i would use a lot.”I said. “Well then a video game?”asked Howard. “ No somthing with zero screens!” I said. “A book? A robot? Superpowers? Paper?” Said Howard. “Nah… Hey i know! What about a ballon!” I said. “Your wish is granted.” Then a ballon fell from the sky! “Wow a ballon. If it was me I’d wish for a hambuger!” Howard said.

Jul 10