Your Order Has Shipped


I run to the front door and open it. There is a brown box at the door and I see the delivery man walking back towards his truck. 

“Who’s it for?” my dad asks, as I carry the box into the house and shut the door.

“Hmm, let’s see,” I say, looking for the name on the label. “Uh… Hmm. Ok, this is weird,” I say. “The package is addressed to Chloe.”

“Chloe? Our cat?!” my dad exclaims.

“Yea, that’s what it says,” I reply. “Right here, see: Package for Chloe.”

“How is that possible?” my dad says.

Chloe, our pet cat, walks into the room and has her eyes on the box… 

Story Endings


She turned into a human. She said “ oooo, my nail polish” she grabbed the box and walked away. Dad and I stared at her. She turned around and told me “Chelsea, come on, there’s pink”

Jun 15

Chloe starts jumping on the box the box opens and Chloe falls in the box she hops out with a brand new cat bed Chloe turns on some music and starts dancing on her new cat bed she now starts sleeping on her new cat bed ………………..the end

Jun 15

She sticks her paw out, demanding the box. What could be inside? A blanket? Catnip? Tuna? Chloe tears into the box with her teeth. I peer inside and see… the box was empty! Chloe meows happily and jumps in the box. “I guess she just wanted a place to sit.” said my dad.

Jun 15

continuing to look at the box, I feel that there’s something wrong with my cat. my dad says “ might have been a mistake, you can do whatever you want with it”. but this isn’t mine. chole is just sitting beside the sofa. dad says “well I have to leave for work throw it in the garbage if you don’t need it. dad left for work. chole came up to me and became into a magical owl and said “you have to help me, I need” just as chole was about to finish, I said “you transformed into an owl and you cant talk?! am I dreaming. chole then says “ you are not dreaming I really need your help, in the box, there’s an amulet can you give it to me” but, ok fine fine ill go and get it. I give it to chole and then she becomes a wizard. I said “don’t men only turn into wizards? chole says “I have the amulet. Now go to your room and don’t leave. I sit there in shock………. nothing left to say. part 2 will come sooooon! stay tuned

Jun 14

As we unwrap and open the box, we all are surprised to see a chicken inside of it. Not a live chicken, but a cooked chicken for Chloe to eat and enjoy.

Chloe did not wait for another second, she just jumped onto it and started to gobble it. The sounds from her mouth told the story of how delicious her meal was.

When she was finished with it, Chloe had the biggest smile on her face. She liked it so much that she wanted another chicken. Alas! The box had only one piece of chicken in it.

Chloe felt disappointed on the fact. But simultaneously, she was happy that she got to have such a delightful treat for dinner. Accordingly, she was thankful for her meal and started to play on the basketball court.

Jun 14