Can Sharks Play Baseball?

Sharkie McShark always dreamed of being a star baseball player, but there were a few challenges. For one, he would have to find a helmet for his rather large head. Secondly, it’s a bit hard to grip a baseball bat without fingers! A shark could dream, couldn’t he?

One day, while he was swimming and dreaming about baseball, Sharkie McShark was swallowed by a blue whale. He was shocked to find…

Story Endings


Fish bones that can become his baseball bat. Alive fish in tummy of the whale to become his ball. The whales fins as his baseball gloves.Then he saw another shark who even liked baseball so they both played together. They were tired and hungry after playing so they ate the fish that the whale had in its tummy.

Aug 26

a huge pizza! Who knew whales ate pizza!! Sharkie McShark said.

Aug 19

a shark wizard. Sharkie McShark was weirded out that a shark could be a wizard stuck in a whale. But since he was a wizard he pleaded if the wizard could help him get out and help him be a baseball player.

The shark wizard was fortunely nice (in a weird way), and said he would help if he did his 3 tasks. Sharkie mcShark wondered why he had to do those tasks in a WHALE but he did it anyway.The wizard then got them out with his …wand.The wizard made a stadium and riduiculous uniforms and teached Sharkie McShark to a pro baseball shark.

Aug 17

that blue whale stomach was a baseball stadium . mcshark inside the stomach saw so many people there! he played baseball there .the blue whale had so much pain in his stomach. the blue whale throwed up and sharkie said yay.

Aug 14

He was shocked to find a whole Staduim of baseball in the blue whale mouth and was awaken by a loud roar in the ocean . Before he could do anything he was gulped down by an ocean animal and the only way he could get out was to imagine himself getting his dream fulfilled .

Aug 13

A ghost there is known light only dark he Scream and Wanna get out but It was Only a Dream!!!.⏰⏰⏰

Aug 06

a baseball bat and ball! so what do you think Sharkie did he got the bat and ball and started hitting the ball against the blue Whale.Sharkie was not very good and doing that because he had to hands only fins.He kept trying to hit the ball over and over and over again. Sharkie was stuck in that Whale for a long time and he really wanted to be free again. What do you think Sharkie did while he was in there? he kept on practicing his baseball skills he was starting to get better but in order to be a star baseball player it would require A LOT more practice. Sharkie was stuck in the whale for almost a year now and he knew that he had to do spmeting. Finally,Sharkie McShark had an idea! HE got the bat and ball through the ball in the air and swung that bat as hard as he could he could and was it possible he hit the ball! He swam after the ball and kept swimming finally he found the ball right where the whales mouth was. The whale opened his mouth and Sharkie swam as far as he could away.

Aug 05

A great white shark that was an expert at baseball

Aug 04

a baseball field inside!! he also grew fingers! he also saw baseball outfits in front of him that were his size. he quickly put them on and then started play baseball.

Aug 01

A baseball game for him to play!

Jul 28

A dragon inside the whale. The dragon said What are you doing in here ? Sharkie Mc Shark said What are you doing in here? The dragon responded I was flying and the whale jumped out of the water and ate me. Sharkie said Cool If you breathed fire, the whale would spit us out So the dragon breathed fire and the whale spit them both out. So Sharkie McShark did not become a baseball player but he made A new friend named Harold. The end.

Jul 28

Him self wearing basketball clothes !

Jul 28

a little boy and his dog. but suprsingly he was wearing something white.

Jul 27

A group of all kinds of Sea animals playing Baseball! “This is amazing!” he exclaimed. “I have always wanted to play baseball!” he said. But how do you guys play, we have no fingers. An orange fish on the home plate said “We don’t have fingers but we do have fins, In fact I have invented a special kind of glove that can let any sea animal play baseball!” “Speaking of safety, we also have helmets of all sizes!” said a clownfish. “WOW” said Sharkie McShark, you animals have made my dream come true! “If it’s ok, May I join you?” he asked politely. “Sure!” they all screamed. All the animal happily played for as long as they wanted. They remembered to take turns and also have fun. After an hour, Sharkie McShark asked “Are we going to be stuck in here forever?” “Actually, no” replied a blue fish. “This is not even a real shark!” said a shiny red fish. “You can leave any time and even come back!” they all said. “Thank You so much, I will surely return tomorrow” Sharkie said. ⚾ The End ⚾

Jul 26

a lot of fish swimming in the blue whale stomach and when the blue whale opened his mouth to have a drink of water the shark and the fish all swam out.

Jul 23

That there was a pearl which was glowing.Sharkie McShark picked the pearl and suddenly he found himself on dry land and also saw that he became a human and was so happy . So now he could play baseball. THE END Hope you enjoyed

Jul 23

himself in a baseball field and the other sharks were shouting, come on get the ball and make a goal. He was surrounded by other sharks baseball player. Time to have fun, he said and swim to the other end and scored a goal. The team shouted hurrah! they cheered and lifted him up.

Jul 22

A curse! He started glow a bright gold light. And all of of a sudden, “KABLAMO” he was a human stuck in water. But there was no land around where Sharkie McShark lived, so he drownded

Jul 21

still alive

Jul 20

A orb. What did it do? Sharky picked it up and began to feel strange. The orb started glowing and then he was blown out of the blue whales blowhole. He found himself on a beach, and that he was a human! He could play baseball! He put on some shorts and a shirt that was lying there. But then, as he tried to get up, he found that he had a broken leg.

Jul 18

1000,000,000,000,000,000,000,pack’s of ice cream .He was just about to eat all of the ice cream but then the ice cream started talking it said”NO don’t eat me i’m not that tasty and you don’t want to eat something that doesn’t taste good do you? And i have so many things i haven’t done that i can’t do in your belly”then Sharkie said “Like what? The ice cream said “like play baseball” so Sharkie said “let’s play baseball if i win i get to eat all of you but if you win i will not eat you “The baseball game has start and it 3 to 1 Sharkie is wining but then the ice cream gets 4 home runs in a row and the ice cream wins !!!

Jul 17