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Kids’ Outreach Piece Voting

November 09, 2021

The TD Summer Reading Club (TDSRC) team is exploring potential changes to the kids’ outreach piece, and we want your opinion!

You will find below four options for the kids’ outreach piece for 2022—including the fortune teller, which has been used for the past several years—and a link to cast your vote for your preferred choice. The selected piece will include TDSRC branding and encouragement to join the Club.

Fortune Teller

The fortune teller is an origami game with numbered flaps that conceal a message. For the past few years, the fortune teller has also folded into a puppet. Folding instructions are included on the back of the sheet.

Pictured below is the fortune teller from last summer:


Secret Message Decoder

For this activity, kids would receive a card with a legend of illustrated symbols representing letters of the alphabet, which they would use to decode a secret message. The message would be a riddle or joke related to books, reading or libraries. (Example: What building has the most stories? A library.)

A sample is pictured below for information purposes only (this is not the proposed legend or secret message):


Silly Story

Similar to the activity on the TDSRC kids’ website, kids would fill in word boxes to substitute for blanks in a story before reading the story aloud. Since the word prompts and the story would be on opposite sides of the page, this activity is suitable for kids working individually, in pairs or in groups.

Corner Bookmark

Currently, the corner bookmark is an origami bookmark of a monster, but it could be adapted to other fantastical creatures. Folding instructions are included on both sides of the sheet, which can be a bit of a challenge to follow; however, the instructions can easily be found online. The corner bookmark could be a monster or a unicorn or something else.

Pictured below is the handout from 2016:


Other finished corner bookmarks:


Your chance to vote!

Please cast your vote for your preferred outreach choice by November 16, 2021. The TDSRC will evaluate the results and then explore the feasibility of the preferred option.

Cast your vote