Submitting Statistics

Before the end of September, you must complete a short online survey to report statistics for your library’s program. This is an opportunity to provide feedback on the program and to let us know how we can best support you in the future.

Library contacts and regional administrators will receive an email from in September containing a link to the form. Please add this email to your white list so it does not get filtered to your junk mail. If you do not received the email and survey link, please check that it was not filtered to your junk mail before following up with

The deadline to complete the form is September 30. You are required to submit your statistics in order to be eligible for the Library Awards and StoryWalk® kits . Forms submitted as email attachments, rather than through the online survey, will not be counted.

Please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Total number of registered children by age group (0–5, 6–8, 9–12, 13+), and how many have registered for the Club in a previous year
  • Total number of programs offered by your library, and the total attendance
  • Total number of promotional visits you made to schools, day camps, child care centres and other locations, and the total attendance
  • Testimonials from parents, caregivers and teachers indicating an increased love of reading
  • Your own satisfaction with various elements of the Club

You can download and use our registration form to capture some of the information above that will be needed for reporting statistics.

The full statistics that will be collected can be found in these documents:

2023 Survey Form (individual library)

2023 Survey Form (system)

2024 Kids and Parents Surveys

Please share these QR codes and links to the online surveys for kids and parents/caregivers. These surveys gather data on changes in behaviour and attitude which are key indicators of the program's impact. The surveys will close September 3.

Kids’ survey Parent/Caregiver survey

All survey results are shared in our annual report.